Saturday, June 15, 2013

Seasons for likes and dislikes too

We all have our own likes and dislikes . I've had a tendency for sticking on to a specific kind of food or particular style of dressing for a period of time, before shifting my allegiance to something else for a certain duration in the next cycle.

These days, the season that is ruling over me is "Book Season" and wrt junk food, its the Pani Puri. 

I'm not an avid or a voracious reader. Growing up, I used to read the Young World or the stories in the Non-Detailed books which formed a part of the school curriculum. Only during college times, I became aware of  the world of MnB's and Sidney Sheldons. It was just awareness and not really picking up books to read. Only after I joined the IT band-wagon, staying away from home, I enrolled in a local library near the hostel where I was pu up in Bangalore and started reading Sheldon, Archer and Agatha Christie. It was only after wedding, when I used to find S buried in a book, I picked up a few of them which were in his collection. Even then, I did not get addicted as such..There have been many months when I haven't touched a single book. But, there have been times when I read back to back too..So, my seasonal liking towards books was evident then.

But, last 3 months, I have been both buying and reading books like crazy. We are regulars at the Bangalore Book Festival last few years, and occasional buying as and when we feel like wanting to read a particular book or if there is an urge to spend on books..But , the last 3 months, I have made 4 bulk purchases.I'm looking out for reviews for books in different genre, more importantly, finding joy in the prospect of buying, reading and to find blogs that have a long list of book reviews..So, currently, I'm in this season now..

I need to mention and say a BIG Thanks to TGND who has taken the time to suggest me books. I truly enjoyed reading the ones that I picked from her suggestion. Thank you TGND :)

I sometimes wonder why I didnt get caught in this "season-of-books" earlier, during those hard times..As they say, there is a season and reason for everything and better late than never.When I used to read about people who write about the joy of being in the company of books, I didnt understand it too much then..(This realisation that I didnt understand itself dawns on me only now)..But, I think for an amateur like me, if books can bring in joy, I can now atleast try and imagine what great joy it would be for those who have been in the company of books for a long long time..

"Outside of a dog,a man's best friend is a book. Inside of a dog, its too dark to read" :) This is from a book mark..

Coming to food seasons, when I look back, I had seasonal courting with maavudu, paruppu sadam, Pizza, ice-cream and now pani puri..Ice cream needs to be mentioned as I relisehd many countless scoops of ice-cream for the last 4 months or so..Every week, I used to have atleast a minimum of 2 sccops..I was telling S that I dont remember having such a craze for this frozen delicacy even as a child or while growing-up..Thanks to the weather, the craving has decreased a bit the last few weeks.. 
Same case of seasonal affinity when it comes to cooking too. The first 3 months of this year saw me planning and cooking an elaborate meal, planning for dishes, making sure that I dont repeat the vegetable or dish atleast over the weekend. 

Have you had such seasonal allegiance too?

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